Which languages does Saily support?

The Saily app is currently available in the following languages:

  • Chinese
  • Czech
  • Dutch
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Lithuanian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish
  • Taiwanese


How to change the language settings for the Saily App

The Saily app does not currently offer a language change option within the app itself, although app-specific language preferences are available for Android 13 and iOS 16 versions and above.

Older device versions will only have settings for general system language changes. If you would like to change the language of your Saily app, you will need to change the system language of your device. Furthermore, if the device language is changed to a language not supported by Saily, the Saily app will remain in English.

The language change steps may differ depending on your phone operating system and device model.

There are 2 ways language can be changed for Saily app:


Change Saily’s language via general app settings on iOS

To change the language of Saily app via the general app settings, follow these steps: 

  1. Open your settings app.
  2. Click on apps:

    image 186.png

  3. Find and select the Saily app:

    image 191.png

  4. Select the preferred language:

    image 192.png

  5. Choose your preferred language:

    image 66.png

Once you have selected a language that is supported by Saily, the Saily application will change to match the language set on your system settings.


Change Saily’s language by changing the language settings of your iOS device

If you are not able to change Saily's language via the general app settings, you can change the language of your entire device.

  1. Open your settings app.
  2. Tap General.


  3. Scroll down to Language & Region.

    Language & Region.png
  4. Tap Add Language.

    Add Language.png

  5. Choose your language.

    Select Language.png

    After following these steps, the language of your Saily app will match your system language if it is one of the languages supported by Saily.


Change Saily’s language via general app settings on Android.

To change the language of Saily app via the general app settings, follow along to these steps: 

  1. Press and hold on the Saily app and press on the app info logo when it appears:

    image 157 (1).png

  2. Tap on the language option:

    image 194.png

  3. Choose your preferred language:

    image 61.png


Change Saily’s language by changing the language settings of your Android device

If you are not able to change Saily's language via the general app settings, you can change the language of your entire device.

  1. Open your settings app.
  2. Tap language & region:

    image 181.png

  3. Set the language of your device to one of your choosing:

    image 71.png

    Once you have completed these steps, the language of your Saily app will match your system language if it is one of the languages supported by Saily.

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